Delayed & Positive Results Policy


Talent Testing Service / I Know My Status (TTS) makes every effort to provide the fastest turnaround times in the industry. However, there are occasions when results may be delayed. TTS does not reimburse for testing delays due to unforeseen circumstances such as those detailed below:

A. Testing Delays / Equipment Failure:

Emails are sent out with the expected turnaround time to notify of lab delays and testing run failures. To mitigate these issues TTS employs the use of alternative testing machines. Additionally, the LA & LV offices collect backup samples that are shipped overnight to the Miami lab.

B. Shipping Delays/Unsuitable Samples:

Samples collected at Draw Facilities are shipped via FedEx to our Miami lab. TTS is not responsible for delays in transit or samples that expire while in transit. If you'd like to have the samples recollected, your order will remain pending and can be executed at a future date. TTS will cover the shipping and draw fee. Call TTS when you go to the draw facility so we can email the paperwork and pay for the draw fee.

C. Positive Results:

If you have an Out-of-Range lab value your results will be reviewed by the clinical staff. In the case of unexpected results, the staff will make an attempt to contact you. If results are released outside of business hours, the review may be performed the next business day.

D. Re-tests, QNS, & Pending Verification:

Occasionally, samples must be re-tested. This can happen for a variety of reasons, most commonly, it is due to an invalid result. Re-tests are performed on the next testing cycle at the original testing lab. Our algorithm requires re-testing for invalid, equivocal (borderline), and preliminary positive results. If the re-test yields an out-of-range lab value your result will be marked Pending Verification. A new sample will be requested to perform confirmatory testing at no cost to you. If you elect not to provide a confirmatory sample, your result will be released "as is," without secondary verification. This can be problematic when you attempt to test in the future and may require additional testing, on a specific schedule, at an additional cost, and could affect your clearance status. Also, a local Department of Health may be in contact with you to request confirmatory testing as well, so it is advised to perform the confirmatory testing via TTS to avoid future complications.

Results marked as QNS (quantity not sufficient) will require collection of another testing sample. For swab samples, this could mean that the liquid spilled or leaked during collection or transit. For blood & urine samples, this usually means that there was inadequate volume to perform a test or re-test.

If a sample recollection is requested, TTS will cover the cost of the test, shipping, and draw fee(s). If you do not provide a new sample, your results will be released "as is.". A refund will not be provided as testing has already taken place and the lab has provided results.

E. Errors at Associated Draw Facilities:

TTS provides sample collection instructions with each order. If we receive samples that were collected/shipped inappropriately (e.g. improperly labeled, spilled contents, incorrect tube, shipped late), they may be rejected by the lab and a recollection will be requested. Your order will remain pending, but please call/email us to resend your paperwork. If the samples were mishandled, please request from the draw facility that they recollect the sample at no cost.

F. Alternative testing:

We go the extra mile by providing supplementary testing such as a viral load and PCR for HIV, HBV, and HCV when necessary.

HIV: If you are HIV positive, your status will remain NOT CLEARED, even if your viral load is undetected. However, your Gold Standard Panel (GSP) will include an HIV viral load that can be shared with partners, producers, agents, etc. to determine relative risk.

HCV: If your Anti-HCV result is Reactive (even if it is a false positive or due to a resolved infection), we will perform an HCV PCR NAT. This test checks for copies of the virus in your blood to rule out an active infection. The HCV NAT is an additional $35.00 and takes place on WEDNESDAYS at our Miami lab. Samples must be collected on Monday (at a draw facility) or Tuesday (at a TTS office), to allow sufficient transit time to reach the lab by Wednesday.

HBsAg: We will automatically perform a Hep B viral load test whenever your previous HBsAg is Reactive. This test costs an additional $35.00, and is performed on THURSDAYS. Samples must be collected on Tuesday (at a draw facility) or Wednesday (at a TTS office), to allow sufficient transit time to reach the lab by Thursday. Oftentimes, the HBsAg is only temporarily Reactive. Once the HBsAg test is Non-Reactive, we will revert back to the standard test panel on the following test.

G. False positives:

No laboratory test has 100% sensitivity & specificity, which means false positives can occur. If you would like to challenge the result and choose to be tested again with a new sample, you must pay for the new test and associated fees up front. If there is a discrepancy between the results, notify TTS via email ( We can provide a credit or reimburse the cost of the challenged test in question, any applicable shipping fee, and draw fee(s). It is not necessary to repeat the full GSP panel. Individual tests can be ordered separately online or you can call a TTS office for help placing your order. The repeat test must take place within a reasonable timeframe (typically 24-48 hours). If the lab supervisor and clinical staff have reason to suspect that the test has been tampered with, a refund may be denied.

H. False Positive Treponema Antibody:

Syphilis is an infection caused by the bacteria Treponema Palladium. To gauge one's syphilis status we perform two tests: a Treponema Antibody test & RPR test. When these two tests are incongruent (e.g. Trep is Positive and RPR is Negative) and the patient's history does not suggest an active infection, or perhaps the patient is unsure about their exposure, we can utilize a third testing option: the FTA-ABS. This is an alternative test used to measure exposure to the Treponema bacteria, but uses a different methodology than the Treponema Antibody. If the FTA-ABS is negative, in combination with a Negative RPR, we can conclude the Treponema Antibody test was likely falsely elevated for some reason (there are various factors including auto-immune disorders, medical conditions, vaccinations, and immune system stressors, that can affect testing).The FTA-ABS is $50 and can be reimbursed if negative; if you are going to a draw facility, you must cover the shipping and draw fee. The turnaround time is generally within 2-5 business days after the sample is received at the Miami lab. Sometimes, the FTA-ABS is also positive even though the patient does not have syphilis. In these cases, the only thing that can be done is to wait some time (sometimes several weeks) and test again.